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New kind of K2 Template for Blogger Beta

I recently updated my blogger beta template to make it more like the old k2 blogger template, so this is the result, if you like it or have another idea drop me a comment, you can download the template from here here.

Personalize with:
- Edit the label clouds (Etiquetas)
- Edit all the stuff (to your user..)
- Edit the google adsense stuff
- Edit the flickr stuff

Url to download:

New URL to download

And my current template:

Feel free to use it :)


Shannon said…
I also have the old template and need to upgrade. I can't seem to download at the link you posted. Is there another location where the template could be downloaded?
Shannon said…
Nevermind, it finally came up. Thanks!
AnTiLo0p said…
Ok, in case of any doubt, drop me a comment...
Gon said…
Hi, I tried, but cannot. Can you double check that link for me please?
Anonymous said…

i can't download from the link you provided.

Is there any other way??

Pls email me :

Thank you.
AnTiLo0p said…
I already changed the URL so you can download that k2 kindof template from here:

And if you want to use my current template you can download it
Anonymous said…
Great Article! Thank You!
Anonymous said…
Thanks to author! I like articles like this, very interesting.
Anonymous said…
nice blog!Nice information
Anonymous said…
:-) ochen\' zaebatyj blog!
Anonymous said…
soglasen s vami ochen\' zaebatyj blog!
Anonymous said…
Keep up the great work. It very impressive. Enjoyed the visit!

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