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Linux Kernel Developer Offers 'Free Linux Driver Development'

Yes, that's right, the Linux kernel community is offering all companies free Linux driver development. No longer do you have to suffer through all of the different examples in the Linux Device Driver Kit, or pick through the thousands of example drivers in the Linux kernel source tree trying to determine which one is the closest to what you need to do. All that is needed is some kind of specification that describes how your device works, or the email address of an engineer that is willing to answer questions every once in a while. A few sample devices might be good to have so that debugging doesn't have to be done by email, but if necessary, that can be done."

By OSNews

Buenas noticias, ojala y las compaƱias le quieran entrar a esta iniciativa si les preocupan los NDA, creo que esto los calmara un poco.

Ahora que recuerdo yo firme un acuerdo de NDA en mi trabajo... ya saben: cotrol total. Y Ahora que lo menciono hace poco me entregaron los resultados de una evaluacion que Recursos Humanos hizo a todos los empleados, en unos cuantos posts hablare de eso...


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