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El dizque web 2.0

Hoy, trabajando a las 2:57 am gracias a un pinche virus que infecto a los cajeros automaticos entre ratos y para despejarme leia mi google reader, de ahi me fui a digg y de ahi llegue al sitio:, todavia no entiendo como esta el p2, ya baje el cliente para windows y no furulo (me dice que no se pudo conectar e intentara despues... y asi se queda despues, y despues)en fin saque mi cuenta, baje tambien el paquete para linux y como no pienso reiniciar por ahora aqui les pongo el enlace de home en mugshot y haber que les parece: mi home en mugshot

Se ve bastante interesante:

What's a "live social experience"?

We don't necessarily know in advance, though we hope Mugshot already contains some examples.

Think of it this way. Computers tend to be designed around a work or office metaphor. You're alone at your desk, and you put stuff in filing cabinets or perhaps twirl your pencil.

But a lot of popular stuff people do on computers has nothing to do with that. Think about IM, MySpace, Flickr, online dating... really, name anything truly popular and it's more about other people than virtual filing cabinets.

We like to think of a bar, not a desk. There's a variety of stuff to do: play games, watch TV, talk, play pool, eat. You can choose a private booth or sit at the bar with strangers. You can watch what other people are up to, as long as you don't stare. It's a place to hang around and meet people.

"Live social experience" isn't meant to be a specific technology, simply a general direction that we find interesting.

Tell us what it means! Try Define, Research, Ideate as a starting point.


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